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April 26, 2008

The lawn is moving so fast this spring - even though we know it's going to cool down for a while. The magnolia, in full bloom, will also drop petals.

We usually see this in in the first half of May though coverage by magnolia petals is still light today. The show is beautiful - at it's best and the aroma of the magnolia is delightful! The petals gradually cover the ground creating a soft pink carpet. Then we must rush to collect them before they become a pulpy brown mush that's hard to pick up. Still, we get to enjoy it for the next little while. In the meantime, the raspberries and kiwi vine are sprouting. Daylilies and other decoratives are coming along and the back yard will be in summer condition in no time at all.

The cherry tree is almost fully flowered BUT...

there are probably, as of today, about 25 to 35 percent of blossoms that haven't opened yet. The bees have been very active today. They worked over the cherry tree. Any time you'd get close you'd see bees hard at work on the blossoms! We think the strategy of planting flowers below the trees is probably pretty good in attracting pollinators.

There has even been some activity around the peach tree - with only a handful of blossoms open as yet.

Still, you can see there will by just heaps of flowers on the peach tree. Now it's a question of if the blossoms will hold off 'til after the expected cooler, more seasonable spell or if they'll open up this weekend. The daffodils below the peach are just about in full bloom. The cherry tree in front is showing signs of being full with flowers. Daffodiles are open and the tulips are on their way. last years pansies are, of course, returning again. It adds a nice little splash of colour to the bed.

The pinnochio is a small tulip with striped leaves. In 2006 we planted three of these in the bed along the walk to the driveway. Last year we saw no flowers from them. This year only two returned and one has blossomed. We're betting we'll see a few more next year. It does seem to be the first year we're seeing good quantities of our perennials. The hyacinth and grape hyacinth have peaked. Tulips will be next. The city tree (on the boulevard) is ready to flower.
It puts on quite a show - from May, 2005:

By the time it flowers I imagine the apple tree and second cherry will be in full bloom as well. It certainly seems this will be a busy summer in the garden.

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